0800 228 333 [email protected]

Our History




The Battery Clinic started business in 2005 reconditioning automotive lead acid batteries. Lead acid battery desulphation was then an unproven technology. This process is now fully developed and forms the backbone of our businesses core activities today.



We started high voltage(HV) NIMH battery repair and reconditioning in a Hybrid Vehicle in 2007. We developed our techniques and technologies over the years in order to keep older hybrid vehicles running. The learning process was steep and wound up learning a lot more about Hybrids than we ever thought we would. We began to look at hybrids as an ecosystem often when one part of the vehicle did not function correctly it effected the Hybrid battery especially older batteries.



With Older HV Batteries becoming more and more difficult to recondition developed and trialed new repair alternatives. By the end of 2009 we had a completed prototype of a 1998 Toyota Prius with a transplanted 2007 battery pack.



Years of research and development lead us down the path of the Power Jockey a battery augmentation system designed to prolong the life of ageing hybrids. The Power Jockey holds the New Zealand Patent #588386 and was granted 30 Aprill 2013 for a period of 20 years. The Power Jockey is in a continuous cycle of redevelopment and is currently being modified by our partners in China.



With a need to diversify cash flows we branched out into leasing hybrid vehicles to Taxi organisations and renting short term through Green Rental. We now managed a fleet of over 60 Vehicles leasing and renting to a range of diverse companies and private individuals.



In 2016 David Phan has taken over General Management of the Battery Clinic Group from Patrick Phan. David holds an MBA specialising in Sustainability and a BCom majoring in Management and Information Technology. David has introduced new business avenues including partnering with UBER and redeveloping the Battery Clinic brand.